Learn the core skills that make up the entire Product Management process, from ideation to market research to wireframing to prototyping to user stories to Product Management leadership . I designed this course to be easily understood by people who are new to Product Management. In addition to mastering the core skills, you'll actively apply it by learning popular Product Management tools like Workflowy, Axure, Pivotal Tracker . You will get a chance to build out one of your own product ideas through 10 step-by-step exercises complete with working files and sample templates. At the end of the course, you'll have a product spec with a feature backlog, wireframes, and an interactive prototype. Ever wonder how organizations like Apple , NASA , and Ticketmaster design their products? You will know after taking this course. You'll be getting a condensed knowledge transfer from a 8 year Product Management veteran who has led teams at those prestigious organizations and has launched over a dozen products used by millions of users daily. You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at several real life examples of wildly successful products and learn the secret sauce.
    Looking for a PMI-ACP exam prep course with 21 PDUs? This is it! We have passed a quality audit, a business review, and we completely abide by the PMI REP program. You want to earn the PMI-ACP certification and you need quality training without all the nonsense and fluff so many courses offer. You do want to learn from an authority in project management that’s also certified as a PMI-ACP. This is the course you want. This course provides 21 hours of Agile project management education and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips. You can claim these 21 hours as 21 PDUs for your continuing PMI education. Our PMI-ACP® Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the PMI-ACP® exam objectives for the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition and the library of Agile resources PMI recommends. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your PMI-ACP® exam. Here's what's included in our PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Online Seminar: ►21 Professional Development Units (PDUs) ►PMI CCRS Activity ID: PMIACP318 ►Includes PMI updates from PMBOK Guide, sixth edition ►Complete coverage of the entire PMI-ACP® exam objectives ►21 contact hours of project management education ►Practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives ►Module exams covering every PMI-ACP exam objective ►PDF course workbook; entire course for note-taking and following along ►Videos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and agile project management practices ►Lectures on the entire PMI-Agile® exam objectives ►24 x 7 Web and mobile access ►All terms for the PMI-ACP terms you must know for exam success ►Course discussions with the Instructor and peers ►30-day satisfaction guaranteed
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      Are you someone who is technically quite competent in your skills and as a result found yourself stuck into a management role, without really knowing what to do or how to do it? Then maybe you have become an 'accidental manager'! If you are finding yourself having to make a disparate group of individuals work well as a team. Manage difficult people and situations. Deal with discipline and conflict issues, or manage performance or behaviour problems, then this course is for you. Learn the secrets from someone who has been there and got the t-shirt and turn yourself from an accidental manager into an exceptional manager!
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        Part 1: How to take / move your offline bookstore business online FAST Learn how to build your eCommerce website without any coding knowledge. This class is great for freelancers and small business owners are wanting to accept orders online today. Here is the Square Online Store Building CheckList This class if one of three series: Part 1 BookStore (product business) Part 2 Yoga Studio (wellness business) Part 3 Tour Guide (service business) : : Square Online Store Examples : : Bookstore:
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          Learning how to sell is the secret to startup success. But I doubt you started your business because you love selling. This course has helped hundreds of people like you learn to like, if not love sales. You’re the most passionate advocate of what you do. If your clients don’t buy you, they won’t buy your product or service. That means you need to learn sales skills. Does that fill you with dread? Stop that feeling now! Anyone can learn to sell with confidence. I’ve trained hundreds of business owners and their staff to sell. Even shy introverts can be good at sales with the right approach and knowledge. There are four things you need to master. Behaviours: Learn to recognise and adapt your behaviour to meet the needs of your customer. Process: Sales is a process. When you understand the process, you’ll always know what to do next. Strategy: What can you do to get to know your customers better and develop more fruitful relationships? Confidence: Sales is all about confidence. There’s no magic wand – but you can learn to be more confident. Easy Peasy Sales gives you everything you need to master these skills. Easy Peasy Sales covers all four of my core sales skills modules, which are available individually. But it also includes an extra section on building your confidence. Like all my courses it’s a mix of short videos and practical exercises to help you put the ideas into action. I’m always on hand to answer questions on email and social media, but if you want to go further take a look at my coaching options. TESTIMONIALS THIS COURSE IS TREMENDOUS! " Yesterday I felt despair, as I was facing a business which has no salespeople. Having completed the course, I now know that I had ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and that because I believe in what I do, I must get out there and sell it, as it will make a difference to the lives of many young people – I just need to listen to my customers and follow the process." - Nicola Chillman INSPIRATIONAL AND MOTIVATING "This course is ideal for someone like me who has never been in a “sales” environment before but would be equally applicable to someone who wanted to improve their sales technique for their business. Alison is clearly an expert in her field and I actually found the whole thing quite inspirational and motivating." - Clive Harrison GET AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE "Having only just started working in sales I can safely say I after completing Alsion’s sale course I have gained a disproportionate advantage over everyone else in the internet marketing industry I work in. For the price of the course, it is hugely discounted in comparison to the value you will gain. Invest, take action and then pay it forward!" - Jordan Harry
            Welcome to MBA in a box: Business lessons from a CEO! This is the only online course you need to acquire the business acumen to: Start up your own business Grow your existing venture Take your career to the next level Get promoted and apply managerial, financial, marketing, decision-making and negotiation skills in the real business world Have an all-around view of why some companies (and people) succeed when doing business and others do not This course is jam-packed with the same useful information and real-life case studies MBA graduates acquire throughout their training in top-tier business schools. We have even made it more interactive by preparing a gamebook for you. Yeah, that’s right! Learning business and finance need not be boring! The gamebook will test what you have learned and will simulate a real-world environment in which your decisions as a business executive will have real monetary consequences for a company. Can you think of any better way to reinforce what you have learned? An exciting journey from A-Z. If you are a complete beginner and you know nothing about business or finance, don’t worry at all! In each of the five main modules of the course, we start from the very basics and will gradually build up your knowledge. The course contains plenty of real-life examples and case studies that make it easy to understand. Five modules MBA in a box is a collection of the five courses that are most frequently taught to MBA students. We have carried out extensive research and explored the curriculums of the most successful MBA programs around the world including Harvard Business School, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, INSEAD, Booth School of Business, London Business School and others. This is the reason the following modules have been included in this program: Business Strategy Management and HR Management Marketing Communications and Marketing Management Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis Decision Making, Persuasion, and Negotiation Teaching is our passion For over six months, we worked hard to create the best possible MBA course that will deliver the most value for you. We want you to succeed, which is why the course tries to be as engaging as possible. High-quality animations, superb course materials, a gamebook simulation, quiz questions, handouts and course notes, as well as a glossary with new terms are some of the extra perks you will get by subscribing. What makes this course different from the rest of the Business courses out there? High-quality production – HD video and animations (This isn’t a collection of boring lectures!) Knowledgeable instructor (CEO of an 8-digit business) Complete training – we will cover all major topics and skills you need to become an entrepreneur, a successful investor, or a business executive Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that you’ve learned Gamebook - solve our Gamebook and make this course an interactive experience to test what you’ve learned while taking the course Excellent support - if you don’t understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, you’ll receive an answer within 1 business day Dynamic - we don’t want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole course Bonus prizes - upon completion of 50% and 100% of the course, you will receive two bonus gifts Why do you need these skills? Salary/Income - it is not a coincidence that MBA graduates earn 40% more than their peers – they have the skills and knowledge that allow them to see the bigger picture. This course will give the same to you – a holistic view of why certain businesses succeed and what needs to be done to improve their performance Promotions - MBA students acquire valuable technical skills, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within corporations Secure Future - there is a high demand for skilled business executives in the job market, and you won’t have to be concerned about finding a job Growth - this isn’t a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skills This course comes with Udemy's 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose! Subscribe to the course and give it a try! Click the 'Buy now' button! This will be one of the best decisions of your entire career!
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              Learn to create a WordPress website for passive income that runs on autopilot with very little maintenance required. This step-by-step course will take you from start to finish without having to learn a single line of code. If I can do it, so can you. So, what are you waiting on?
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                Start a custom Tote bag Business Today Course Summary: This introductory course teaches you how to create your own Custom Tote bags from scratch, covering everything from the creative process to working for weddings and special events. And of course, you'll have the opportunity to learn how to run your new business on Etsy! This is a course for complete beginners with a passion for learning a new skill and dominating the Etsy Marketplace! Master the Art of Creating Custom Totes: Have you always wondered how to create a custom tote bag to sell? Do you know where to start? Are you looking for a new creative business to jazz up your workweek? This course teaches you how to create and sell your custom tote bag from home. You will learn the end-to-end steps for creating your own totes and setting up your Etsy shop. This course is a simplified hands-on course, which you can follow step-by-step to create your own custom tote Business with very little stress! In this course, you will learn: The complete creative process of producing custom totes How to create your totes without producing them from home How to set up an Etsy Shop How to analyze the custom tote market on Etsy How to identify competitors on Etsy How to measure and monitor your shop's progress How to utilize social media to grow your shop's success You will receive lifetime access to the content and unlimited support. Who should take this course? Anyone interested in custom totes Anyone interested in selling on Etsy without physically shipping products to their customers. Anyone interested in learning a new skill. Beginners from all walks of life and entrepreneurship. Anyone interested in creating a stream of passive income. Anyone looking to start a new business Objectives You will learn the complete process of creating your custom totes from start to finish. You will learn how to identify some of the top sellers in the custom totes market. You will learn how to position your shop and your custom totes for success. You will learn how to effectively create your Etsy shop You will receive a kit with tools, resources, and templates to help you get started. Student reviews: “ I really needed this course. It's worth the money! Trissha, you're so inspiring!” – Dina E. “Very simple instructions. I've managed to get 34 sales in my first week! Great course! ” – Rita H. “Good course. I appreciate the fact that everything is so easy to comprehend” – Rick F. Are you Ready To Get Started? Register Today!
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                  Have you ever dreamt of building of bulding wealth that gives you an income? Me too and I created my dreams. I have built a property portfolio that created wealth and gaves me an income to live the life I want. In this course I am going to take you by the hand by the hand and show you how to build investment properties to build your wealth. Then we will hear how to rent them to create an income. In this course we will cover: - Understand Capital Growth and how to build it? - Create cash flow - Cover the Fundamentals of wealth - Defining your personal asset and liability - Understand good and bad debt and which one you want - Creating your million dollar plan - Make deals to optimise your profits - Getting loans to minimise your expenses - Finding the right land - Designing the right house - The building process - Securing an agent In addition to all this amazing information to help you growth your wealth, I will also give you my top tips for your success. As you can see we give you the practical information to build investment properties and we also start the process to build your waelth mindset for you to feel successful. If you are ready to make your dreams come true, enrol in our course to take that first step.
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                    Hi my name is Valaentina Amode and I am a 25 year old Professional Amazon Seller. As someone who has been down the traditional life path of school, university then working a full time job i understand what it feels like to constantly dream of a life of true freedom. After working as an accountant for 2 years I realised that working a 9-5 job just wasn't the lifestyle for me; I was bored, uninspired, unmotivated and passionless which is not the way i imagined my life to be and i just knew i had to take action and find a way to escape the rat race- this is how i discovered the magic of Amazon FBA. Amazon is an amazing platform that has allowed me to explore my creativity, generate a substantial passive income and wake up everyday excited to discover more. I feel so blessed and lucky to have found something i love doing and i want to be able to share my successes, my failures/lessons and most importantly my knowledge with others.  As the common saying goes- knowledge is power and i want to empower others out there to chase their dreams and create financial freedom for themselves. Nothing is impossible, if you can think it then it is attainable so BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU WANT AND BELIEVE YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!] What you will learn: This is a step-by-step guide that provides you with all the knowledge required to create a 7 figure business or successful side hustle on Amazon. You will learn: · How to create a profitable brand and business, generate passive income and live a life of financial freedom. · How to work from home as an entrepreneur and build a 7-figure business. · How choose profitable, unique and diverse products to sell on Amazon. · How to source products from trust worthy suppliers. · How to negotiate the best price/deals for various manufactured goods . · How to launch new products in the most cost effective way. · Minimally be able to find a product that will sell 10 units or generate a net profit of £100 a day . · What to do if your account is ever suspended or deactivated. AND MUCH MORE! Description: This course is the BEST step-by-step program for learning how to create a brand and private label business on Amazon, You will be given invaluable insight and the most in-depth knowledge required to becoming a successful Amazon FBA seller. You will learn everything you need to know about starting a business on Amazon, finding the best products to sell, finding the right suppliers and so much more. This is not just a course for beginners however; those with existing businesses will also learn how to take your existing business to the next level, boost sales and generate more profit. Most importantly, I will share with you my experience and journey as an Amazon seller, the common mistakes made by sellers, how to avoid a number of pitfalls that lead to the failure of many Amazon FBA sellers and what to do if your account ever gets deactivated. Why take this course? 1. You get lifetime access to an easy to follow set of lectures and walkthroughs. 2. You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully in the course discussions section or my google classroom 3. What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! I have been through many up and downs throughout my journey and I have integrated all my experiences into this course to help others find success, create the lifestyle of their dreams and bypass/ tackle any issues that may arise. 4. In this course, you will learn how to sell on Amazon from beginner level to advanced! You will learn where to start, what products to sell, how to source them, how to get them to the amazon warehouse, how to optimize your product listings and how to launch your products including different launch strategies you can use to get your products ranking in the first position! Be Brave, Be Bold & Take the steps required to building the lifestyle of your dreams! ENROLL NOW! Requirements: · Everything you need to know is covered within this course so all you need is a stable internet connection and you are good to go. · There is always an initial start-up investment required to start ANY business but I will teach you a range of strategies and methods you can use to match your budget. Who this course is for : · This course is for beginners who wish to create a successful Amazon FBA business · This course is for existing Amazon FBA sellers who wish to grow their sales and business